Recognizing the importance of digitization in agriculture, the Govt is creating a federated Farmers...
Category - Agriculture
EF Polymer builds eco-friendly polymers to support plant growth
They were recently the finalists in the National Startup Awards 2020 in the category of Agriculture.
Bioprime is finalist in National startup awards in Agriculture...
It is an agrobiotech startup focussed on helping farmers reduce crop losses and raise yields.
Jackfruit365 wins national startup award in Food category is a startup to streamline the organized market for Indian Jackfruits
Cornext Agri wins national startup award 2020 in agriculture...
Cornext Agro won the award under the theme of Allied Areas (which includes fisheries, poultry...
Nava Design wins national startup awards in agriculture category
Nava Design won the award in the theme of productivity, under the Agriculture category.
Intello Labs wins national startup award in agriculture category
Intello Labs won the award in the theme of post harvest, in the overall category of Agriculture.
Organic Mandya wins national startup award in Agriculture
It received the award under the theme of Farmer Engagement and Education.