There are five engineering colleges in Bhubaneswar which fall in the top 200 ranking for 2022.
Category - Civic Tech
Public consultation on Draft National Data Governance Framework...
The Minister highlighted the importance of private stakeholders in the overall data ecosystem.
Digital India BHASHINI – India’s AI led language...
Multi-linguality presents a major opportunity to startups for developing innovative solutions.
Women Transforming India award winners announced
The selection process spanned several months, and 75 awardees were chosen.
Rural connectivity GIS data now in public domain
This includes GIS data for 800,000+ rural facilities as points and 1 Million+ habitations.
UIDAI to host Aadhaar Hackathon 2021
Aadhaar Hackathon 2021 is themed around two topics.
Govt enhances digitisation of Swacch Survekshan
The new initiative will have digital tracking of documents, geo-tagging of sanitation and waste...
GeM wins global Digital Technology Application award
The CIPS Awards are one of the leading recognitions around procurement globally.
Registration of unorganized workers picks pace on e-shram portal
These migrant workers also can now take the benefits of various social security and employment...
FOSS4Gov Innovation Challenge nominations open
Startups with possible applications for Govtech in Health, Education, Agriculture, Urban Governance...