Civic Tech Innovation

National Manuscripts Mission has digitised 35 million pages

The National Mission for Manuscripts aims to document, conserve, digitize, and disseminate India’s manuscript heritage online.

The National Mission for Manuscripts aims to document, conserve, digitize, and disseminate India’s manuscript heritage online. To fulfill these objectives, the mission has established over 100 Manuscript Resource Centres (MRCs) and Manuscript Conservation Centres (MCCs) across India.

Through its network of MCCs and MRCs, the mission has preserved, documented, and shared India’s rich manuscript heritage. The accomplishments include:

– Documentation of approximately 5.2 million manuscripts nationwide.
– Conservation of 90 million folios of manuscripts.
– Digitization of 3.5 lakh manuscripts, totaling 3.5 crore pages.
– Organization of more than 100 conservation workshops.
– Uploading around 1.4 lakh manuscripts to its web portal, with 75,000 manuscripts available online for free access to researchers and the public.
– Publication of over 100 books since its inception, with the list of these publications provided in Annexure-I.

This information was provided by the Union Minister for Culture and Tourism, Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha.