The primary goal is to enhance accessibility, efficiency, and transparency in healthcare services.
Category - Health
Smart sensor for managing Parkinson’s disease
The sensor would help in accurately detecting the concentration of L-dopa in the body.
How air-powered computers can prevent blood clots
Pneumatics, which move compressed air, are already used in various applications.
AI unable to identify health conditions from patient-written...
This study underscores the current limitations of large language models.
This AI tool responds to patient queries on electronic health...
This technology enables genAI "chatbots" to reply convincingly in human-like language.
Wearable trackers provide useful information on patients
The wearable devices, including a wristband and connected smartphone, collected extensive data.
AI outperforms clinical tests at predicting progress of...
The model was built using routinely collected, non-invasive, and low-cost patient data.
New AI model revolutionises cancer detection
This AI model, named Candycrunch, is faster and more effective at identifying abnormalities.
This low cost test for flu could improve diagnosis
Appearing in The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, the results could help improve outbreak response...
Now, AI enabled Yoga mat from an Indian startup
It has the potential to revolutionise at-home yoga experience by leveraging AI and Computer Vision...