Agriculture Innovation

Govt launches geo-spatial platform, Krishi-Decision Support System

Krishi-DSS is more than just a tool—it’s a catalyst for innovation and sustainability.

The union agriculture ministry has recently launched the Krishi DSS in India. Krishi-DSS is a pioneering geospatial platform tailored specifically for Indian agriculture. It offers seamless access to a wide range of essential data, including satellite imagery, weather updates, reservoir storage levels, groundwater conditions, and soil health information—accessible anytime, anywhere.

The platform features advanced modules designed to support comprehensive agricultural management, covering everything from vast fields to the smallest soil particles.

Through crop mapping and monitoring, Krishi-DSS enables the analysis of cropping patterns using parcel-level crop maps over multiple years. This helps in understanding crop rotation practices and promotes sustainable agriculture by encouraging the cultivation of diverse crops.

Drought monitoring keeps users ahead of dry spells, providing near real-time data on key indicators such as soil moisture, water storage, crop condition, and dry spells. Meanwhile, the crop weather watch feature informs users about the impact of weather on crops, crop harvest status, and crop residue burning.

Field parcel segmentation allows for accurate delineation of field parcels, helping to identify each parcel’s unique needs and cropping patterns for targeted interventions.

The “One Nation-One Soil Information System” provides comprehensive soil data at your fingertips, including soil type, pH levels, and overall soil health. This information is invaluable for assessing crop suitability, land capability, and implementing soil and water conservation measures.

Krishi-DSS also includes a Ground Truth Data Library, which supports innovation by providing essential resources such as ground truth data and spectral libraries for various crops, aiding researchers and industry professionals.

From flood impact assessment to crop insurance solutions, Krishi-DSS offers a holistic approach. It empowers farmers, informs policies, and nourishes the nation.

By integrating various data sources within the Krishi Decision Support System (DSS), farmer-centric solutions can be developed, such as personalized advisories and early disaster warnings for events like pest infestations, heavy rains, and hailstorms.

Ultimately, Krishi-DSS is more than just a tool—it’s a catalyst for innovation and sustainability in agriculture.